- Traffic Signal Synchronization and Communications (2014 CMAQ)
- Atlantic Avenue Streetscape Construction Management
- Atlantis Avenue Flood Gate Project – Phase 2 – Stormwater Pump System
- Ohio Bridge Repair Penrose and Venice Canals
- Martin Luther King Boulevard & Baltic Avenue Traffic Signal Improvements
Traffic Signal Synchronization and Communications (2014 CMAQ)
Contact: Mr. Steve Lilley
Engineering Department - Atlantic City
(609) 347-5405Approximate Construction Cost: $1,900,000
Project Description:
Atlantic City received a Federal Highway Administration Grant through NJDOT State Aid for $963,947.00 to supply and install conduit by open cut and directional drilling, install underground utility vaults and the supply, installation and splicing of fiber optic cable to provide digital communications between City Hall and twenty two (22) traffic signal cabinets along Arctic Avenue between City Hall and Providence Avenue a distance of 8,323 linear feet. The project will include repairing asphalt roadway and reconstructing handicap ramps at all intersections which are not ADA compliant. Additionally, all stormwater inlet which are not in compliant with NJDEP stormwater regulations will be brought into conformance.
The project had been bid in late 2014 and the bids were 200% over the amount of the grant. Mott Watkins Associates was obtained by the City to analyze the project, provide an updated cost estimate and give any suggestions to make the project more viable. Mott Watkins Associates provided an updated cost estimate for the project in the amount of $1,900,000 and was successful in obtaining an additional $900,000 grant from NJDOT. Mott Watkins Associates was also responsible for updating the contract documents, rebidding the project and overseeing the construction management of the project for the City once a bidder is awarded the project.
Atlantic Avenue Streetscape Construction Management
Approximate Construction Cost: $500,000
Project Description:
The City requested Mott Watkins Associates (MWA) to provide construction management services for the Atlantic Avenue Streetscape project from MLK Boulevard to Kentucky Avenue. The project started construction in August 2018 and finished in June 2019. The project included all new concrete sidewalk on both sides of Atlantic Avenue as well as updated all the handicap ramps at each intersection. There were landscaped islands constructed for beautification and decorative granite planks at each intersection and outlining the curb and sidewalk of the project. New traffic striping was installed for the handicap crosswalks which provided more safety for the pedestrians. The project was completed under budget and within the time frame provided.
Atlantis Avenue Flood Gate Project – Phase 2 – Stormwater Pump System
Approximate Construction Cost: $6,000,000
Project Description:
The Baltic Avenue canal is an existing subsurface, stormwater culvert which extends along Baltic Avenue from North Georgia/Atlantis Avenue to North Rhode Island Avenue (at the Uptown School Complex). The canal drains an 815 acre section of Atlantic City that stretches from south of the Atlantic City Expressway to Absecon Inlet and the Bungalow Park neighborhoods of the City. The canal has two (2) outlets; one located at Atlantis Avenue and Beach Thorofare, and one located at an open canal within Gardner’s Basin, at Fisherman’s Park. The canal was constructed with a high point at approximately New York Avenue so that a portion of the canal drains to the North Georgia/Atlantis Avenue outlet, and a portion of the canal drains to the Fisherman’s Park outlet.
Phase I of the project included the installation of new gate structures at the Atlantis Avenue and Fisherman’s park outlets, which prevents the tide from entering the system and flooding the streets of Atlantic City.
Phase II of this project consists of the installation of six (6) stormwater pump stations to address situations when high tide occurs simultaneously with a storm event and stormwater cannot get out of the system due to the closed flood gates.
Mott Watkins Associates, was instrumental in assisting the City in applying and obtaining a NJDEP Flood Hazard Risk Reduction and Resiliency Grant to fund Phase II of this project. Mott Watkins Associates provided an updated benefit cost analysis (BCA), hydraulic and hydrologic analysis. Mott Watkins Associates also created an aerial photography map that clearly showed the extent of the flooding problem, the area will be affected by the proposed solution, and all repetitive loss and severe repetitive loss properties within these two areas. A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Sea Level Rise map at the year 2050 level that clearly showed the areal extent of the flooding problem, the area that will be affected by the proposed solution, and all affected structures with in these two areas.
Even though all work was required to be submitted to NJDEP within one (1) week of Mott Watkins Associates being authorized to complete the project, all required information was submitted on time.
Ohio Bridge Repair Penrose and Venice Canals
Approximate Construction Cost: $268,000
Project Description:
The City has two (2) bridges which are owned and maintained by the City. These bridges are located on Ohio Avenue which crosses the Venice and Penrose Canals which are tidal waterways that connect the Clam Thorofare to the Inside Thorofare. The bridges are over 50 years old and have been repaired numerous times over that span of time. Most recently in 2013 for minor sink holes at the approaches.
Mott Watkins Associates was requested by the City of Atlantic City to review the bridge inspection reports done in 2014 and recommend improvements to the bridges which will provide another 5-10 year life span on them, or until additional funding can be obtained to replace the bridge entirely, which ever is first.
Working with the City, MWA provided design services for repairing both bridges with focusing on the priority 1 repairs on Penrose Canal bridge which included the repair of the pile cap along with eliminating soil erosion beneath the approaches of the bridge. This included the installation of marine grade timber sheeting to prevent further erosion. Both approaches to the bridge are to be excavated, backfilled and reconstructed with either concrete or hot mix asphalt. The Venice Canal bridge had priority 2 repairs which included the recommendation to add fill to the eroded areas along the northeast and southeast approach roadway embankments. MWA prepared details to stop the loss of fill between the steel sheeting and the timber sheeting junction. MWA also prepared design plans to strengthen corroded stringer webs and flanges by welding or bolting steel plates and angles to various steel members and providing web stiffeners at several locations. Design plans included traffic control for the closure of the bridges due to limited space to work.
Construction was completed in the summer of 2016 and the total construction cost of the project was $268,029.13.
Martin Luther King Boulevard & Baltic Avenue Traffic Signal Improvements
Approximate Construction Cost: $80,000
Project Description:
The City requested Mott Watkins Associates (MWA) to provide design services for relocating a traffic signal at the intersection of Martin Luther King Boulevard and Baltic Avenues. MWA designed the intersection to have two (2) new traffic signal poles installed along with replacing pedestrian signal heads at the intersection with count down timers. The traffic signal improvement was warranted due to the closing of Bacharach Boulevard from Martin Luther King Boulevard to Kentucky Avenue. This roadway was closed off due to Browns Park having a newly created playground constructed in the Spring of 2016.
The traffic improvements include adding traffic signal wiring and traffic signal heads for the proposed signal poles. Pedestrian cross walk striping is proposed at the intersection in accordance with MUTCD regulations.
The total construction cost of the project is estimated to be at $80,000 and is scheduled to begin in the Spring of 2017.